Hire young creative, pay them and teach them to be productive, engaged workers.
Modeled partly after Boston-based Artists for Humanity, the summer jobs are intended to provide paid work experience, new creative skills – and an understanding of how to be a focused, productive employee and artist. Some may gain experience working directly with Mint clients; others learn a bit about how art fairs work. Learn more in this Q&A we prepared.

In 2016, Mint hired three artists and one other young person through Grow Detroit’s Young Talent, the city’s summer youth employment program. By 2019, we reached 10 young artists, including two from the University of Michigan Wolverine Pathways internship. In 2020, we hired our “Lucky 13” artists and by 2024, we hired 26 Detroit artists. See some of their profiles here.
Our goal is to continue to grow, slowly and sustainably.
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